Office / Intake: 864-520-1500

Boots on the Ground to combat the barriers that our Military Community, their Families and Veterans face -
Serving one Hero, one Family, one BootPrint at a time
BootPrint is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in South Carolina where the wellbeing of our Military Community is at the forefront of our mission. Our programs, projects and activities are designed to be a catalyst that unite our community resources to eliminate the barriers that any Military Member, their Family and our Veterans face so they can reach their goals and fulfill their potential.
Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing unlimited, trailblazing possibilities alive.

At BootPrint, we are driven by a united goal which is to do our part in removing barriers for our Military Community, their Families and our Veterans.
Our non-profit was founded by an Army veteran husband and wife team and aims to take an overall hands-on, Boots on the Ground, holistic approach. We collaborate with our Veteran and civilian Community resources, fill in the gaps in services, combat the barriers, build resilience, and leave our Bootprint.
While in the military, we are issued boots as part of our uniform. Wherever we went, our "bootprint" left an impression on the ground. If you carried a rucksack or other gear, then your impression was deeper and more pronounced because you carried more weight. If you ever found yourself in a position where you said "Got your six" then you walked behind your fellow comrade, and never quit because you "had their back". In the presence of danger, when a fellow Warrior was wounded, were you willing to carry that fallen Hero out of danger, against all odds?
Our Hero's face challenges that set boundaries on their personal success. Unfortunately, we are witnessing Veterans whom made a commitment to serve our Country being plagued with their personal war against self-destructive behavior, homelessness, justice issues, food insecurity, suicide, racial inequity, lack of coordinated support, and mental health challenges. They may need to be carried through their battles, they may feel alone in their personal conflicts, and they will need our willingness to never leave a fallen Veteran behind as they struggle through their personal storms.
For any Veteran, their Family or member of our Military Community, our goal is centered on what you need, walking with you, and sometimes even carrying you through the battles to ensure your success!

What is your "BootPrint"?

With this initiative, our goal is to collaborate with partner organizations and services to ensure needs are identified and addressed. Committed to a team concept, we know that with access to the right resources, and eliminating gaps in services, the Military Community, their Families and Veterans can build resilience and be empowered to fulfill their potential. Together we can all tap into the 3P's : Purpose, Power and Passion!

At BootPrint, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing this issue. Advocacy for our Military members, their Families and Veterans is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference, and you can lead with us, follow-us or get out of the way.

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with challenges and barriers. Food Insecurity is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make sure that our Military Community, and their Families have the food that they need. You can drop off food items, supplies, or make a monetary donation. In addition, you can also pick-up food from the pantry.

Today's Military connected members and their Families confront a maze of issues, while communities are challenged equally by their inability to coordinate comprehensive, accurate, and timely solutions against their needs. With this initiative, our goal is to start with reaching every Greenville County, South Carolina Homeless Veteran and then move to eradicate Homelessness throughout South Carolina and beyond. Every Veteran is worthy of our attention and access to housing they can afford.

At BootPrint, once our Homeless Veterans get into housing that is affordable then we are taking the next step by providing furnishing they need to make it their home. Through your cooperation and community donations, we believe we can be a conduit to provide hope for the homeless. We are always striving to make a difference, and also support our local SFRGs (Soldier and Family Readiness Groups) with their emergency household needs.

Crisis situations and disasters occur in everyone's life. Getting your gear ready to deploy means that although you are not currently deployed, you may be called to that duty at a moments notice. Our BootPrint team is striving to help you prepare and then manage that difficult situation by being with you every step of the way as a mentor. Our volunteer team then grows with each mentorship and united we all give back supporting Stand-Down events, providing disaster preparedness and relief to Our community.

Additional Projects
How we can help - supporting you in trials and joy
Each one, Reach one
The beauty of redemption
Lead, Follow, or
Move out of the Way
Bags specifically for our Homeless or Vulnerable Veterans, Bags of School Supplies or Christmas gifts to take care of the little brave ones & Bags for our Veterans to say thank you
Never walking alone
Equality without Prejudice
Making a Difference
Creative expressions of Healing
Group Life Coaching

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”
Mark Twain

Your BootPrint Resource Center

Fate whispers to the Warrior, you cannot withstand the storm. The Warrior whispers back, "I am the Storm!" ~ Jake Remington
We must be intentional about getting ready and being resilient in order to expand our capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. We need each other to foster positive relationships and take care of our mental, physical, and emotional health. We collaborate and utilize recruited volunteers for opportunities such as assisting other Veterans, working with local military units, Commanders and their Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRG), enhancing the lives of Military children, Community enhancement, and disaster preparedness and response projects. Our organization "pays-it-forward" and assists in fostering relationships. You can nominate a Veteran-friendly business or person that needs help or just needs to be recognized in a special way. Click below to nominate your choice and tell us why.

Frederick Robertson
Keith Watson
Crystal Burnett
Timothy Logar
Our Board has been carefully chosen to partner with our Chief Executive Officer to achieve success for our Military Community, their Families and Veterans. They are fully engaged , comprised of individuals that have diverse backgrounds and perspectives and have a military affiliation, all of whom provide meaningful support.

for your comments, feedback, kudos, success stories, issues, requests, connect with our Chaplain, prayer, say thank you, be a Community Partner, or require information. If you need to say or need something, this is for you!
15 Grand Ave
Greenville SC 29607

First Impression of SC
Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF)
Carolina Power - PPC Foundation, Inc
Sisk Foundation
SC Office of Economic Opportunity
Greenville County Redevelopment Authority
Sisters of Charity Foundation of SC
Operation Gratitude
Do you want to be our partner and get your "Boots on the Ground"?